Schulte SRW-1400 Windrower

  • Transports at an ultra narrow width of 93” .
  • Windrows 2” to 25” rocks with ease, forming them into neat uniform rows.
  • Power is supplied to the windrower drum via a heavy duty PTO drive line which includes a slip clutch and shear bolt arrangement for protection against excessive shock loads.
  • The SRW-1400-H is hydraulically powered requiring a minimum of 15 GPM flow.
  • The #100 drive chain is totally enclosed for longer service life.
  • The rock windrower drum is 14 feet wide and is constructed of 8 5/8 inch heavy wall HSS tube.
  • Hardened 450 BHN, hard surfaced, steel are 5/8 inch thick x 6 inch long. Reversible, replaceable teeth are bolted to the drum pipe, resulting in problem-free operation even in difficult conditions.